Family photography: Celebrating your child ’s biggest adventures
When I say biggest adventures, for a little babba, a couple of hours in the garden, exploring, going on a swing, spending time with mum and dad, doing a bit of gardening… they are all pretty huge adventures, no? And perhaps they are for you too. After all, when you’ve spend a whole week working your butt off (excuse the expression) at being a parent and possible multitasking with paid work too, spending a few hours just “being” with your loved ones, that’s what makes it all worth it? That’s the biggest adventure of them all?
This is one of the reasons why I love doing my family photography sessions directly in people’s homes. Everyone is much more at ease, much more relaxed and with my silent cameras, I can capture some pretty natural moments.
My style of family photography is totally centred around being natural, it is all about a candid, unposed, undirected approach.
Supposedly you are completely and utterly exhausted by the end of the week. If you are both working or your spouse is away at work and your multitasking all day, you are looking forward to another pair of hands by 5.01 pm on a Friday afternoon, no? Note the 5.01pm as since lockdown, commuting from the upstairs study doesn’t really take longer than 1 minute… 🤣
So from your point of view, it might actually be exactly what’s needed: having a family photographer come straight into your home (Covid-safe, of course), to spend a couple of hours, half a day or indeed a whole day with you to help you a) celebrate the lovely little family you work very hard at and b) to make YOU, yes, you the parents, feel that actually you are indeed acing this whole parenting thing.
Family photography, for me, isn’t about trying to make you look like a perfect family in the eyes of everyone else… because god knows how many times we go on social media and see so-called “perfect” families plastered all over the networks and end up feeling a little more anxious about it all. Of course I am committed to capturing some shots you’ll want to hang on your wall… but your story, your family story will also be told so that in years to come, you can remember not just what you looked like, but how life felt like.
So below are a few photographs from a 2 hour session. My 2 hour sessions are my shortest ones. A tiny glimpse into a family’s real. If you are after a documentary of your family life, my half days or full days give me a real chance for you to get used to me and thus for me to eventually disappear. That said, 2 hour sessions give me enough time to produce some strong portraits you will want to hang on your wall. Thank you so very much to this lovely little family for my time with them. I know I say this to all my clients, but I can’t tell you how much it means to me when a couple lets me into their privacy and let me celebrate it for them. Authentic connections, to me, are worth everything.
You may ask why the main feet and hand shots below… because a lot of love and affection is shown with our hands. I also like to focus on little details that I know may be particularly relevant to my clients. And also baby feet are just too ridiculously cute!!! Why take a photograph of the house? Well, everything that is associated with your current story I think is very relevant. My family photography sessions all result in a slideshow which tell the story of your family, however short your session was. And story-telling for me is exceptionally important.
Very silly I know, but one of my fave shots from this session is mum’s foot (the very last image)… with the bit of projected pureed carrot… doesn’t this kinda sum up parenthood a little?
If you fancied a shoot just before xmas in time for xmas presents, get in touch quick, I have two weekend dates left available. And if the week days work for you, I am happy to offer a 20% discount on Mon-Friday half day/2 hour sessions.
A heads up that my prices are set to increase in the new year. So if you wanted to book a session, now is the time!