The Dome at the Department Store Wedding, Brixton Photography: Laughter. I can’t go a wedding without laughter.

I think it was within the 2nd minute of the initial zoom call back last year when either they or I said something totally inappropriate and the mutual reaction was unashamed laughter. And then I knew. Good fit.

And sometimes, it’s that simple. Being in the presence of another human being where too much is shared too quickly and it just breaks down those weird barriers. We relax into the new relationship, we let go and off we make great photos. Yup, that simple.

The day itself was a repeat of the phone call but over hours.

The thing is… laughter and lots of it conduces ease, and flow. Creative ease and creative flow. Being comfortable in each other’s company is essential because it also means I feel I am allowed to take risks. And if I think that, we never know, I can create some images that aren’t the usual, that are YOU and YOU only, that are photos of their own right. Images that aren’t over-polished either, that feel free and that reflect the day you actually had.

So if you’re getting married in 2024 or beyond and you’re looking for creative candid images, AND you love having a laugh, then maybe you and I can make some pretty cool images together.

“Thank you for being the dream to work with. I don’t usually like photos of myself but there genuinely wasn’t a picture I didn’t love - you’re a genius”, Flic, the bride.


Oxford St Hugh’s College Wedding Photography: A hot summer’s day in Oxford


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